With a record breaking 87.3 million visitors in 2011, Florida has become the top travel destination in the world. With a steady year-over-year inflow of visitors to Florida (and especially South Florida), many businesses live and die based on their ability to appeal to this major market demographic.
This realization can be especially true for restaurants, travel agencies, hotels, golf courses, music venues, nightlife spots, and a countless myriad of others organization that provide goods and services to the yearly influx of tourists to the Sunshine State.
With tourists providing a $67 billion effect on Florida’s economy, it pays dividends to separate your organization from competitors. But how?
Research shows that, among tourists, a growing factor determining spending patterns lies in search engines and search engine optimization.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is defined as the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

As the growing body of research shows, tourists rely more heavily on search engine results to determine where to direct their buying power than other market segments.
Let’s start with an example: you are visiting South Florida for the first time, how will you determine where to eat, drink, and relax?
According to research, you’ll look to Google and other major search engines to scout out your opportunities.

This is where Ambition Insight can make the biggest impact for your organization. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida – we are South Florida’s premier Search Engine Optimization Training, Search Engine Marketing, WordPress Website Design & Development, Mobile Website Development, and Business Consulting firm.
Serving Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and beyond – we’ve helped countless clients to optimize their websites and digital marketing strategies to produce direct results one the bottom line.
Based in Broward County, we have the localized expertise and sterling client history that you can trust to grow your South Florida business. Whether you’re looking for an outside developer to optimize your website, tailored Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing Training, a Custom Built Website, General Business Consulting, or any number of our ancillary services – we are here to meet your organization’s digital marketing needs.
Contact us today and let’s take a moment to discuss how Ambition Insight can grow your business.
photo credit: How to run an effective meeting via photopin (license)
photo credit: Sunny Isles & Aventura Skyline in Color | 130625-4486-jikatu via photopin (license)