Make Sure You Are #winning At Social Media

What makes social media so great is that almost anyone can use it. Users do not need to be Internet guru’s, software wizards, or website builders to create and update a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+ site.

The average user logs on, shares something about their day, posts a picture, comments on a friends post or picture, browses pages, or watches a video or two.

Not too much science or technical know-how is needed to keep in touch with family and friends. However, for a business, social media marketing must be executed with precision and care.

A business joins social media sites to showcase themselves to the millions of viewers using social media each day. If used correctly, a business can grow their bottom line with smart social media marketing. If used incorrectly, a company can end up in all sorts of strife and will watch in horror as potential customers fall through the cracks.

McDonald’s Social Media Blunder

The video below highlights this fact and focuses on the blunder the social media marketing division at McDonald’s made. The giant hamburger chain received a barrage of backlash, all because of a not very cleverly thought out Twitter hashtag.

Obviously, for a company as large as McDonald’s they managed to survive the storm. They picked themselves up and marched on serving burgers and fries, yet in the wake of the social media slip they imparted some good lessons for smaller business to learn. The most important one – use social media wisely.

But it was not only businesses that dived head first into hot water over controversial Tweets. Celebrities took to their Twitter accounts and managed to offend thousands of their followers in 140 characters or less.

Those who lacked common sense last year and recklessly took to Twitter did not have their Tweets go unnoticed.

Check out a few Tweets that should never have been Tweeted.

A business must walk a fine line with social media and be careful to toe the line at all times. When used correctly and to the best of its ability, Twitter can provide wonderful results.

View the video below to see how other restaurants are using social media to increase their business and offer excellent customer service for their clients.

Restaurants Using Social Media Wisely

Managing a Facebook and Twitter account is an art for a business to do successfully. It takes careful consideration and planning and a good helping of common sense.  At Ambition Insight we are here to help you with all your social media needs.

What sets Ambition Insight apart from other website and social media management firms is that while we can customise your accounts on these sites, we also teach you the tips and tricks to maintaining and growing a popular presence in the social media universe.

Take a look at these five tips on managing your company’s Twitter account.

We can help

Ambition Insight professionals can help you successfully navigate your way through the social media maze. Social media lessons will not only help you grow your bottom line, but are also an invaluable skill set to have for life. As more and more people get connected to the Internet, popularity of social media sites is set to grow.

A business that remains on the forefront of social media marketing will prosper and reap great success.

By Brett Napoli

Founder, Developer & CEO at Ambition Insight. Web consultant, WordPress expert, web developer, graphic designer, entrepreneur, music festival enthusiast.