Fabulous 40rties Magazine

Website Design & Development | Web Hosting | WordPress Customization | Pagelines Framework

Fabulous 40rties is a quarterly magazine designed for women in their 40’s.  The Palm Beach County, Florida magazine covers topics like fashion, beauty, recipes, school aged topics and dating stories. We built Fabulous 40rties a bright and attractive website to showcase their magazine and happenings, draw new customers and even provide additional value to their advertisers.  Fabulous40rties.com is a customized WordPress website using the Pagelines Framework WordPress Theme. The website features high-definition stock photography, custom graphic design, rotating homepage slide show, Buy Now buttons, custom contact form and an easy to use WordPress administration panel for updates and editing.

This website was build with our partner Target Networking and Media, a West Palm Beach inbound marketing agency.

By Brett Napoli

Founder, Developer & CEO at Ambition Insight. Web consultant, WordPress expert, web developer, graphic designer, entrepreneur, music festival enthusiast.